Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Trail Condition Report

As of February 21, 2017 

Remember if is it wet please do not ride or walk on the trails.  If you are leaving a foot print by walking please turn back and choose a different trail to go on.   

Granite Basin - 
Williamson Valley Trail head on 347 on the house side is still soft and death mud.  
Trail 332 from the Gate at top of Cayuse to the cattle guard by the road is still muddy and soft. 
The rest of Granite Basin is pretty good... lots of water in the creek crossings.

Thumb Butte -
All is good on the north side.  Some of firewater is still muddy.
The Emmanuel Pines area is good but LOTS of water in the creeks.
Thumb Butte from Sierra Preitta is good, no snow.
Trail 326 on Thumb Butte is supper muddy at the top.

Excellent condition just like everything else lot of water in the creeks.
Salida Gulch is great as well.

From the Peavine up to the dealerships is in good condition.
Badger or P Mountain is still super soft with some snow in some of the corners. This is north facing and takes quite a while to dry out.

396 - Goldwater
A few soft spots lots of water but is in good condition

Wolverton - 9415
Great until you get to the quartz section and then gets really muddy to the split.  It's best to do an out an back to this point or just take Jack Pine Road up.

Aspen Creek
The north facing section right at the beginning is still very muddy and soft.

Pioneer Park
The southern sections are great... the legacy section is still soft and have some ruts in it.
Longview is still soft please be cautious if you are leaving tracks.

If you have been on a trail and it is not listed or it is listed in correctly please let us know.  

Enjoy the trails but please make sure you are not causing any damage by being on them.  The sun will come out and everything will dry out please be patient. 

January 30, 2017 Minutes

PTSC MINUTES OF JANUARY 30, 2017 Meeting opened at 6:00PM, January 30, 2017 at NFS Office, Chino Valley.

Members in attendance: Sally Hensley-Granite Mt. Riders & Horsing Around, Carol Ross-Prescott Saddle Club, Bruce McKeeman-Prescott Outings Club, Gary Worob-Yavapai Trails Assoc., Cathy Schultz-Yavapai Trails Assoc. & Back Country Horsemen, Jason Williams-Prescott National Forest, Susan Johnson-Prescott National Forest, George Sheats, Yavapai Trails Assoc. & Open Space Alliance, Spike Hicks-Back Country Horsemen, Brooke Weitkunat-Prescott Mt. Bike Alliance, Karen Moseley- Horsing Around
  1. Introductions
  2. Trail Safety Ambassador Program: Jason has taken oversight of the program. Trail
    Ambassadors will be on same level as Adopt A Trail Volunteers. Karen M. will coordinate with
    Tony Papa, NFS, on training and the creation of a vest identifying the volunteers.
  3. PTSC’s liability exposure in the event PTSC wished to participate in parades such as the
    Prescott Frontier Days was discussed. Yavapai Trails Association indicated PTSC would be covered under their umbrella policy. Participation & a parade banner will be discussed at the next meeting.
  4. A draft of the revised PTSC trail safety brochure was reviewed and edited. The brochure will be revised as suggested and submitted for printing.
  5. Bike events: PNF will inform PTSC by email on upcoming events. Brooke advised that the Prescott Gravity Trail Coalition is a sub group of PMBA. There will be a meeting between FS personnel & the Gravity Trail group on 2/14/2017.
  6. YTA members discussed various grant proposals for safety ID's and signs on the Circle Trail.
  7. Earth Day is April 22, 2017 and will be sponsored by the Open Space Alliance and YTA.
  8. PTSC Chairperson: Sally agreed to keep the position for 2017. New chair to be nominated for
  9. Greater Prescott Trails Alliance: Jason has been authorized to prioritize
    70 miles of new trails and new trail heads and improvements. The 5 year plan is to start with a re-route of the Ranch Trail. Emmanual Pines will have equestrian trails to avoid those trails designed more for bicycles.
10.The goal for the future is for YTA or a similar parent organization (or umbrella) to encompass many organizations including PTSC.
11.Christina McCarthy or Sally will call for a check from Back Country Horsemen for the brochures as soon as publishing costs are finalized.
12.Next meeting will be March 27th at Prescott FS office.
Meeting adjourned 8:25PM.
Minutes submitted by Spike Hicks, Back Country Horsemen