Monday, May 6, 2013

Filter Added to Trail 347

PTSC identified a section of trail that needed to have a filter put in place.  

At the top of 347 out of the Cayuse trail head a filter was put in place just before the blind right hand curve.  This will slow bikers speed when going into the corner thus making the corner more safe.   The filter did not take any of the 'fun' out of the trail it added some, while forcing the biker to slow their speed when coming into the corner.

There are several other areas on 347 that have been identified for a filter. PTSC will work on those once we get feed back on how this first one went.

Please go ride, hike or bike that trail and let us know what you think.  You can give us feed back on the "My Outdoor Experience" tab on the this website.

Jason trying out the filter

PTSC notes: March 25, 2013

PNF reported on the RAC grant of #308 will be delayed.
PNF gave update about the Greater Prescott Trails Planning meeting.
            Became activated after PTSC came together to work on resolving safety issues.
            This is a big study about trail needs and has defined areas/zones to be studied.
            It will include an environmental assessment plan.
            GPTP realizes a large demand for trail use
            GPTP is focused on long term….  a vision for 50 years out.
            GPTP will have an in-depth look at the issues at hand.
            GPTP will be designing how to collect the information and try to avoid missing
                        any trail user groups.  They will give an over-view of what has been studied
                        so far per zone.
            Short term goals…do now… as well as long term goals will be listed.
            Connections between other communities will be looked at.
            Trail safety issue will be considered when planning trails.

Denny reported on the Almosta Trail work day when equestrians and bikers worked
together putting up post with new information signs.  It was a fun day and the bikers
were glad they did not have to pack in the heavy post, signs and tools.

Brooke reported on the revision of the <>   now have a domain with an addition
Of a reporting system that users can report anything…good or not…that occurs on their
trail rides or hikes or biking usage.  This will keep track of which trails have the most
traffic as well as an incident issue.  PNF needs more detailed input about the trails in
order to make more accurate assessment of the trail user and trail needs.  Questions as
how many people in the group, what did you see, have any positive or negative encounters with other users, did people yield correctly and politely, and issues about speed or signage.  Names and contact information must be given to verify the report.  PTSC members were asked to check out the web site and inform her if anything might needs to be changed. Go to "My Outdoor Experience" to report.
A PNFS link will be added.

PNF suggested a smart phone bar code could be on Kiosks to quickly inform users about
trail information maps, etc.  (This is already being done in Coconino National Forests.)

PNF is also taking note of the urgent needs for bigger and better tail heads.

1. A pamphlet designed to be put into appropriate stores, PNF, etc.  (Jason and Debbie.)
2. Plans for the Relay/Race and BBQ at Wm Valley Trail Head for all users.  (Brooke, Joyce, Sara, Denise.)
3.  Brushing Video need for Adopt a Trail Program.
4.  Create a Time Line for all projects.  (Denny and Brad.)
            #307 re-route, using CAT solution.
            #531 needs more courteous signs.
            Whiskey Row Race….route on City Map
            Endurance Race…April 13th – 15th.
            Camp Wood Motorcycle Race.
            April30th Easter Egg Hunt at Emmanuel Pass.  (PMBA)
            #332 needs road X-ing signage on Iron Spgs Rd.
            Groom Crk needs signage.  (Jason, Spike, Denny)  #332, #396, #254 and TH at Girl
                        Scout camp.
            #347 filtering blind corners.  (Riders and bikers.)
            #352 needs filtering

5.  Another Annual Trail Head Meeting.  Conside with National Trails Day, June 1, 2013.
(PNF will be planning the program.)

Another IMBA Classroom and Trail work coming.

Discussion re Patrick Kell’s statements made at Sedona. Many not happy with his presentation.
He suggested Sedona will be a destination for mountain biking as has been suggested about Prescott. PMBA is not supporting Prescott being a destination place.  They are not supporting  building down hill flow trails because PNF has natural one. Brooke noted the IMBA does not speak for PMBA

Craig and Leslie looking into starting a Trail Safety Coalition in Coconino‘s Red Rock District.
He reported that people did not have a positive reaction to Patrick Kell presentation. Craig is working toward more education for trail users on the Verde side.

Jason from PNF stated the destination issue speaks to good access to public trails (trail heads) and that much influx of people would interfere with people living here. People live here for the quality of living provided here.  Tourisms not the ONLY economic issue for Prescott.

PMBA is saying there would be a greater need for more trails to accommodate an influx of trail users.  Also a destination place would be greatly hinderd by PNF’s physical barriers, as sight lines, that would not be good for mountain bikers.

 June 8th…Outdoor Festival
 April 14th-17th…International Trail Symposium, Fountain Hills.
 New motorized trail at Dosey Pit.
 Will use Swecco on #384 (Wolf Crk Falls)

Next PTSC meeting:  May 13th at CVFS.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jan 14th meeting

PTSC MTG……..Jan 14, 2013

Neigel gave report to PTSC to clarify and explain how he sees the relationship with PNF with PTSC
after his meeting with Betty, which left him with a “bad feeling.”

PNF can not give preference to any group, as any government agency., .city, county, state, etc.
PTSC can only be recognized for it’s IMPUT.
There has to be an open, public meeting to gather information.
Independent groups can collect their information and give it to PNF.
PNF can not be seen as favoring one group over another.
(This was miss-understood to mean that PTSC could not longer meet at a FS facility.
We can still l meet there as long as it is not seen as a part of PNF’s policy/leading/called by PNF.)

The question is being asked: “Why isn’t the FS dong anything?”
“What are all the different committees for?”
STEWARDSHIP FORUM: Formed in 2008-09 was a collaborative group of cross agencies, that cross boundaries….BLM, city, NF, etc… see how the whole forest is being used. Then get more focused by forming zones….Verde zone, Prescott zone, etc. Stewardship Forum was to plan
the involvement and propose how they saw the general plan for the forest.
This group to establish a general plan for all users….recreation sports, aqua faira (?), boundary issues. trail planning, etc.
Now using SF to bring user groups together to contact and utilizes this forum to spread information out to all groups.

Two meeting on Jan. 24, 2012:
a.m. Stewardship Forum….representative for different organizations
p.m. Forest Planning….PNF personnel…viewing zones, how to use land management (city, county) groups

Issues of miss-understanding and lack of communication:
History of all meetings.
History of PTSC and web site.

PARALLEL PROCESS of all user groups (PTSC, city, county, NF, Community Trust etc.. becomes
the “think tank” for the FS.

Paul K…..PTASC acts as advisory group?
Spike……PTSC wants to solve immediate SHORT TERM problem, as safety issues, with out need for NEPA, maybe some quick-fix Cat. Exclusion vs. Friends of the AZ Trails wanting LONG TERM planning which would require possible NEPAs, legal changes, etc.

Omero (PNF) explained changed in the PNF organization in order to meet future challenges to the forest, developing a better web page, better volunteer coordination.

SEE Organizational Chart hand-out.

#531...signage needed for switchbacks and blind corners.
#332…needs RR X-.crossing signs.
#347…needs three filtering locations
#396… needs some more signage…trail names, numbers.
Groom Creek needs more signage.
#366 m #332 and #264 trailheads and trailhead by Girl Scout Camp.
Annual trail head meetings.
Develop a Reporting Form to put on all web sites that the individual organizations can manage.
Design way to count amount of users on high use trails and to determine which trails are high usage.
Develop educational pamphlet to put out inn stores, at trail signs, for city, county, groups, etc.
Trail User Event/Race which will require a PNF Permit with a BBQ social included. (Need a
Develop a Brushing Video and put up on web sites. Also can use by the Volunteer Academy.
Trail Head issues to be sent to Jason to take to the Stewardship Forum and the Trail Planning Comm.
Meeting to be every other Monday.
Develop a Time Line to be put on web site…..Brad and Denny.
IMBA to hold trail building workshop and practicum. Re-routing #62 and/or RR grad at #332.

Next mtg: CV PNF, March 4th, 5:30pm