Friday, March 2, 2012

To Do List

ActivityDescriptionResponsibilityDue DateNotesComplete

Signage Design Unique PNF signage to place at trail heads ALL Involved  September 30, 2011  On Going we have a design that FS has approved just waiting for final approval
Identify problem spots on ground review of trail 347 / give feedback on how to fix ALL Involved  September 30, 2011  10/15/11
Trail Re-design & Equestrian by pass routes  Design and complete appropriate modifications on #347 ALL Involved  November 30, 2011  Due to weather and other items we are still working on this.
Identify Problem spots on trails Identify and prioritize other trails for review  ALL Involved  October 31, 2011  Spots have been identified by both groups 12/31/11
Brushing Video Design and post a brushing video for people to watch on how to brush correctly PMBA / USFS December 31, 2011  IMBA has a program just waiting to see what the forest service say 
Joint Trail head talks Horse and bike talks at Wonderschlautt at each trail head  PMBA/BCHAZ/PSC October 15, 2011  On going  We have had several meetings that were well received 
Discourage Earphone use by bikers Include information on website, facebook, & communicate at group rides PMBA On going  
Joint Trail maintenance days Horse/ Bike trail maintenance days 3 per year Spring, summer & fall  ALL Involved  Schedule to be determined  
Horse safety Clinic Get horses used to bikes, animals, people so as not to spook easily on trails BCHAZ / PSC  Schedule to be determined by Tom Norris  
Horse Confidence training / Discussion Informing Equestrians on how to handle their horse and make it more confident on the trail  BCHAZ / PSC  Schedule to be determined - Denny Murray point of contact 
Bells & Whistles for trail users Investigate designs for bike bells & recommend to group. Recommend whistles for Equestrian rider leaders  PMBA/BCHAZ/PSC October 15, 2011  Bikers have started using the bells. Equestrians rider leaders are carrying whistles.  On Going - each group is assessing these new items.  Bikers like the idea and have started using them . Equestrians like it as well.  Their horses alert sooner. 
Trail Ambassadors Riders & Hikers on trails to talk about user safety. Review similar programs in other regions  ALL Involved  December 31, 2011 Pilot program in field by 4/15/12 
Joint statement formed Need a joint statement we can give to reporters invited out at events ALL Involved  September 15, 2011 We will use parts from the last stmt from Brad and & Diana September 17, 2011 
Showing 13 items

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